11136 rank

627,733 points

146 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MasterBadon    happy pappys
Korch 7375 MasterBadon happy pappys 5,411,053 610
MasterBadon    USA!USA!
Uceria 8448 MasterBadon USA!USA! 2,447,956 488
MasterBadon    Blood Dragon
Arvahall 11687 MasterBadon Blood Dragon 2,288,955 622
MasterBadon    God of the gods
Brisgard 10642 MasterBadon God of the gods 2,273,868 509
MasterBadon    The Republic
Yorkton 8442 MasterBadon The Republic 2,183,123 407
MasterBadon    Lords of the South
Birka 5875 MasterBadon Lords of the South 2,152,795 485
MasterBadon    Lone Star
Fel Dranghyr 9885 MasterBadon Lone Star 1,596,879 452
MasterBadon    Diamond Farmers
Qunrir 9402 MasterBadon Diamond Farmers 1,331,265 291
MasterBadon    Lion's Paw
East-Nagach 11527 MasterBadon Lion's Paw 909,014 244
MasterBadon    So what?
Dunarsund 12218 MasterBadon So what? 827,662 202
MasterBadon    Shield Wall
Odhrorvar 10250 MasterBadon Shield Wall 798,322 114
MasterBadon    Guildy Guild
Vingrid 11136 MasterBadon Guildy Guild 627,733 146
Parkog 10893 MasterBadon 579,731 89
MasterBadon    Schlacht_Hof_Funf
Angkor 10649 MasterBadon Schlacht_Hof_Funf 554,838 78