7011 rank

5,533,338 points

712 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gulibarth    The Horde of One
Vingrid 7011 gulibarth The Horde of One 5,533,338 712
gulibarth    SI-8
Fel Dranghyr 9003 gulibarth SI-8 2,502,461 815
gulibarth    The One Guild
Birka 5831 gulibarth The One Guild 2,175,668 464
gulibarth    Whatever 345
Qunrir 9464 gulibarth Whatever 345 1,300,172 419
gulibarth    The One Horde
East-Nagach 12923 gulibarth The One Horde 488,245 254
gulibarth    House of Atreyu
Carthage 7252 gulibarth House of Atreyu 375,347 271
gulibarth    The Horde of One
Xyr 13774 gulibarth The Horde of One 332,388 213