7830 rank

3,314,681 points

2,265 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
texasterra    CosUni
Dunarsund 8286 texasterra CosUni 5,117,606 4,003
texasterra    League of Nomads
Birka 4560 texasterra League of Nomads 5,065,052 4,012
texasterra    The Poisened Sword
East-Nagach 8284 texasterra The Poisened Sword 4,513,853 4,074
texasterra    Vali
Angkor 6515 texasterra Vali 4,440,159 3,598
texasterra    Scorpio
Cirgard 8657 texasterra Scorpio 3,595,904 1,530
texasterra    Golden Triangle
Vingrid 7830 texasterra Golden Triangle 3,314,681 2,265
texasterra    beast keepers
Carthage 3864 texasterra beast keepers 2,728,192 1,671
texasterra    IronHorse
Parkog 8660 texasterra IronHorse 1,770,521 1,494