9245 rank

1,523,352 points

3,117 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ptolemy 1059 the Proud    Trayks Barbaric Hord
Brisgard 1638 Ptolemy 1059 the Proud Trayks Barbaric Hord 166,086,353 68,266
Ptolemy 1059 the Proud    ⚡️Stormriders⚡️
Yorkton 2362 Ptolemy 1059 the Proud ⚡️Stormriders⚡️ 64,375,995 27,684
Ptolemy 1059 the Proud   
Angkor 5242 Ptolemy 1059 the Proud 8,782,335 12,342
Ptolemy 1059 the Proud    The Freemasonry
Vingrid 9245 Ptolemy 1059 the Proud The Freemasonry 1,523,352 3,117