4527 rank

21,396,197 points

15,631 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rm64    The Deplorables
Brisgard 4836 rm64 The Deplorables 29,136,070 20,081
rm64    CRO ARMY
Vingrid 4527 rm64 CRO ARMY 21,396,197 15,631
rm64    Champions of Valor
Uceria 4822 rm64 Champions of Valor 18,543,731 20,183
rm64    Front Porch Rockers
Fel Dranghyr 5426 rm64 Front Porch Rockers 16,099,500 17,291
rm64    free will
Noarsil 6227 rm64 free will 8,741,710 10,522