8801 rank

1,931,659 points

3,024 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Laird Byron    The ESCAPED
Walstrand 3392 Laird Byron The ESCAPED 34,179,938 18,379
Laird Byron    Game of Thrones*🥷
Brisgard 7799 Laird Byron Game of Thrones*🥷 7,587,188 4,224
Laird Byron    Lions in Winter
Vingrid 8801 Laird Byron Lions in Winter 1,931,659 3,024
Laird Byron    Hidden Leaf
Qunrir 9389 Laird Byron Hidden Leaf 1,372,099 1,396
Laird Byron   
Dilmun 3505 Laird Byron 1,168,997 2,152