3570 rank

34,229,527 points

21,779 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bonesjr88    Mississippi Traders
Houndsmoor 2626 bonesjr88 Mississippi Traders 78,665,980 40,778
bonesjr88    The Pack
Dunarsund 3352 bonesjr88 The Pack 55,507,053 29,287
bonesjr88    Troublemakers
Odhrorvar 2938 bonesjr88 Troublemakers 53,515,905 26,438
bonesjr88    DarkBrotherHood
Jaims 3155 bonesjr88 DarkBrotherHood 49,447,253 24,702
bonesjr88    Destiny
Parkog 3172 bonesjr88 Destiny 43,600,077 13,861
bonesjr88    Arch-Mage
Mount Killmore 3787 bonesjr88 Arch-Mage 40,594,240 22,737
bonesjr88    The Pack
Vingrid 3570 bonesjr88 The Pack 34,229,527 21,779
bonesjr88    DarkBrotherHood
Sinerania 3657 bonesjr88 DarkBrotherHood 31,910,510 19,012
bonesjr88    Rampage
Walstrand 4115 bonesjr88 Rampage 20,896,764 22,811
bonesjr88    DarkBrotherHood
Zorskog 5464 bonesjr88 DarkBrotherHood 8,612,586 11,923
bonesjr88    🍺The Brewery🍺
Angkor 5735 bonesjr88 🍺The Brewery🍺 6,808,846 12,510
bonesjr88    Bat Shyte Crazy
Yorkton 6337 bonesjr88 Bat Shyte Crazy 6,632,319 12,624
bonesjr88    DarkBrotherHood
Xyr 7012 bonesjr88 DarkBrotherHood 6,371,706 12,546