1120 rank

275,423,207 points

44,347 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Trellia    The Swamp
Houndsmoor 451 Trellia The Swamp 726,529,740 107,702
Trellia    π™”π°π™ πžΎπ’›π°
Jaims 958 Trellia π™”π°π™ πžΎπ’›π° 326,499,427 52,292
Trellia    Sleeping Dogs
Vingrid 1120 Trellia Sleeping Dogs 275,423,207 44,347
Trellia    Live Long & Prosper
Korch 1382 Trellia Live Long & Prosper 213,895,980 36,798
Trellia    Serenity
Odhrorvar 1497 Trellia Serenity 185,810,219 41,690