16152 rank

62,875 points

3 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Donna the Bold    Usak
Arvahall 8105 Donna the Bold Usak 10,006,532 628
Donna the Bold    Shadow Gods
Odhrorvar 13237 Donna the Bold Shadow Gods 187,968 17
Donna the Bold    Lovelies
Noarsil 13708 Donna the Bold Lovelies 164,429 15
Donna the Bold    Foxfire
Fel Dranghyr 15466 Donna the Bold Foxfire 130,719 5
Donna the Bold    Phoenix Arises
Vingrid 16152 Donna the Bold Phoenix Arises 62,875 3
Donna the Bold   
Cirgard 18503 Donna the Bold 57,072 6