6802 rank

5,392,671 points

2,297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dunarsund 7709 LoardPhanzul 6,065,737 3,897
Vingrid 6802 LoardPhanzul 5,392,671 2,297
LoardPhanzul    Mountain Kings
Fel Dranghyr 7574 LoardPhanzul Mountain Kings 4,939,044 2,703
LoardPhanzul    AlpacaBowl
Noarsil 7312 LoardPhanzul AlpacaBowl 4,415,657 2,476
LoardPhanzul    Meat and Mead
Houndsmoor 8391 LoardPhanzul Meat and Mead 4,114,849 2,931
LoardPhanzul    United in Sword
Langendorn 7502 LoardPhanzul United in Sword 4,108,432 2,716
LoardPhanzul    Fisher of Men
Mount Killmore 8794 LoardPhanzul Fisher of Men 3,623,403 2,664
LoardPhanzul    Rampage
Qunrir 7749 LoardPhanzul Rampage 3,360,036 2,598