417 rank

801,358,420 points

114,178 battles

Rank Level Great Building Era FP FP Left FP Required
The Arc (The Future )   
1066 116 The Arc The Future 47 13575 13622
Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future )   
1222 113 Arctic Orangery Arctic Future 0 14475 14475
Alcatraz (Progressive Era )   
1976 106 Alcatraz Progressive Era 0 9106 9106
Château Frontenac (Progressive Era )   
1982 106 Château Frontenac Progressive Era 0 9106 9106
Castel del Monte (Late Middle Ages )   
2113 105 Castel del Monte Late Middle Ages 0 7492 7492
The Blue Galaxy (Oceanic Future )   
2519 102 The Blue Galaxy Oceanic Future 0 11529 11529