2139 rank

105,400,379 points

43,882 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tnert047    42🗿
Vingrid 2139 Tnert047 42🗿 105,400,379 43,882
Tnert047    Aquarius
Uceria 4421 Tnert047 Aquarius 23,786,098 14,706
Tnert047    Pirates of Rohan
Xyr 4720 Tnert047 Pirates of Rohan 20,366,145 12,220
Tnert047    Fair Traders
Arvahall 7194 Tnert047 Fair Traders 14,322,047 17,097
Tnert047    Followers of Christ
Parkog 5234 Tnert047 Followers of Christ 14,178,144 10,015
Tnert047    VU Basic
Dunarsund 6636 Tnert047 VU Basic 11,531,110 20,523
Tnert047    Dead Pool
Jaims 8123 Tnert047 Dead Pool 3,668,196 6,541