7744 rank

3,540,295 points

3,879 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tigrero    ↫Knights of Fortune↬
Carthage 1220 Tigrero ↫Knights of Fortune↬ 39,149,965 29,968
Tigrero    way to go
Brisgard 5998 Tigrero way to go 17,171,822 10,851
Tigrero    ↫Knights of Fortune↬
Dilmun 2646 Tigrero ↫Knights of Fortune↬ 4,412,603 7,818
Tigrero    Angry Chickens
Vingrid 7744 Tigrero Angry Chickens 3,540,295 3,879
Tigrero    🦅Night Hawks🦅
Noarsil 8208 Tigrero 🦅Night Hawks🦅 2,589,032 2,859
Tigrero    Lebowski
Mount Killmore 9947 Tigrero Lebowski 2,243,136 2,664
Tigrero    Snattlerake
Birka 6395 Tigrero Snattlerake 1,464,960 2,110
Tigrero    green acres
Uceria 10972 Tigrero green acres 637,914 1,126