16156 rank

61,795 points

50 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    just relax folx
Yorkton 5970 Cybele 1995 the Merciful just relax folx 8,641,551 2,736
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    ⚔️🐲 Come As You Are
Xyr 10074 Cybele 1995 the Merciful ⚔️🐲 Come As You Are 1,485,202 875
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    RollerCoaster
Odhrorvar 11341 Cybele 1995 the Merciful RollerCoaster 455,645 399
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Qunrir 11507 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 453,784 365
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Zorskog 12407 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 259,654 279
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    Bad Wolf Corp
Walstrand 12279 Cybele 1995 the Merciful Bad Wolf Corp 251,752 118
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    rOnZ
Langendorn 13590 Cybele 1995 the Merciful rOnZ 185,318 100
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    Runs with scissors
Angkor 13326 Cybele 1995 the Merciful Runs with scissors 166,278 104
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Dilmun 6433 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 142,367 218
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
East-Nagach 16488 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 101,676 97
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Carthage 10071 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 98,320 93
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Arvahall 21544 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 77,141 43
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    Elf Lords
Jaims 16285 Cybele 1995 the Merciful Elf Lords 72,648 65
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Houndsmoor 17852 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 72,484 77
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    Chong&Cheech
Mount Killmore 19114 Cybele 1995 the Merciful Chong&Cheech 65,902 71
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    No pressure
Vingrid 16156 Cybele 1995 the Merciful No pressure 61,795 50
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    The Loner Stoners
Tuulech 15498 Cybele 1995 the Merciful The Loner Stoners 57,864 51
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Parkog 15845 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 56,197 109
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    PDF redux
Greifental 16952 Cybele 1995 the Merciful PDF redux 55,015 35
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Dunarsund 19404 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 44,783 55
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Brisgard 21167 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 40,941 45
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    The Guys of Noarsil
Noarsil 16829 Cybele 1995 the Merciful The Guys of Noarsil 39,314 91
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Sinerania 16906 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 36,621 91
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Rugnir 17928 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 26,022 85
Cybele 1995 the Merciful   
Korch 19053 Cybele 1995 the Merciful 23,061 37
Cybele 1995 the Merciful    Diamond Diggers
Uceria 18385 Cybele 1995 the Merciful Diamond Diggers 20,347 31