14878 rank

119,596 points

77 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
beorn the old    DJT45
East-Nagach 15906 beorn the old DJT45 146,300 62
beorn the old   
Odhrorvar 13990 beorn the old 141,786 65
beorn the old    RoundTable
Vingrid 14878 beorn the old RoundTable 119,596 77
beorn the old    Knights Who Say Ni
Rugnir 14953 beorn the old Knights Who Say Ni 101,697 60
beorn the old    The Revengers
Brisgard 19056 beorn the old The Revengers 94,452 40
beorn the old    Cowboy Up
Langendorn 16141 beorn the old Cowboy Up 65,421 53
beorn the old    New Players Guild
Houndsmoor 18670 beorn the old New Players Guild 56,820 52
beorn the old   
Arvahall 23289 beorn the old 47,621 38
beorn the old   
Birka 13319 beorn the old 43,399 38