5930 rank

9,384,526 points

7,131 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Asander 330 the White   
Vingrid 5930 Asander 330 the White 9,384,526 7,131
Asander 330 the White   
East-Nagach 6934 Asander 330 the White 8,718,117 6,489
Asander 330 the White    Just me
Qunrir 6555 Asander 330 the White Just me 6,968,463 6,180
Asander 330 the White    Justme2
Walstrand 6255 Asander 330 the White Justme2 6,521,253 6,079
Asander 330 the White    Just me
Xyr 7284 Asander 330 the White Just me 5,625,729 5,655
Asander 330 the White    Justme
Korch 7398 Asander 330 the White Justme 5,011,214 5,886