Rank Name Battles Points
1 wimw 624,033 1,775,578,518
Lord Benton
2 Lord Benton 155,415 824,686,898
Ella the Ineluctable
3 Ella the Ineluctable 265,652 814,065,806
4 charliekickass 265,062 738,892,552
Charlie the Gray
5 Charlie the Gray 72,649 288,847,263
Arigorn Elfstone
6 Arigorn Elfstone 153,007 181,695,799
Light Sage
7 Light Sage 51,831 94,394,112
Cenedra Jewel of Borune
8 Cenedra Jewel of Borune 37,442 23,633,328
Zoe Street Dog
9 Zoe Street Dog 12,509 14,036,246
10 Happymeal 10,554 10,389,240
11 mochikine 7,370 8,990,243

activity index
