Rank Name
1 MikeP5673
1 MikeP5673
2 Pitcon
2 Pitcon
3 Elizabeth 955
3 Elizabeth 955
4 SaveBandit
4 SaveBandit
5 Damaris 1717 the Cruel
5 Damaris 1717 the Cruel
6 Yekk
6 Yekk
7 Sandfighter
7 Sandfighter
8 Aloha204
8 Aloha204
9 Ricco TAZ
9 Ricco TAZ
10 shamper
10 shamper
11 Kelly the nag
11 Kelly the nag
12 Tubeman the Good 1943
12 Tubeman the Good 1943
13 TheDrowFOE
13 TheDrowFOE
14 Junior Garcia
14 Junior Garcia
15 whoopee maker
15 whoopee maker
16 Marshfield
16 Marshfield
17 Canyon forger
17 Canyon forger
18 C3PO and R2D2
18 C3PO and R2D2
19 BigCanyon
19 BigCanyon
20 2FN-2187
20 2FN-2187
21 Draco 805 the Lucky
21 Draco 805 the Lucky
22 Gerard2965
22 Gerard2965
23 BigDog077
23 BigDog077
24 Lord Joshy
24 Lord Joshy
25 Hector 1784 the victor
25 Hector 1784 the victor
26 mehaw
26 mehaw
27 harami70
27 harami70
28 scorn blanch
28 scorn blanch
29 ArsenicAndLace
29 ArsenicAndLace
30 VrgNShwag
30 VrgNShwag
31 Hippolyta 2415 the Just
31 Hippolyta 2415 the Just
32 dan006556
32 dan006556
33 Marika the Wise
33 Marika the Wise
34 Chevy II MD
34 Chevy II MD
35 Franky B
35 Franky B
36 Willow the Giant
36 Willow the Giant
37 AlanNation
37 AlanNation
38 moravek
38 moravek
39 Mondo60
39 Mondo60
40 MVP-Pat.Mahomes
40 MVP-Pat.Mahomes
41 VA725
41 VA725
42 Talli19
42 Talli19
43 Big C the E
43 Big C the E
44 warewolf99
44 warewolf99
45 jebiii
45 jebiii
46 nicko the old
46 nicko the old
47 Victoria 525
47 Victoria 525
48 Preteen Vargas Virus
48 Preteen Vargas Virus
50 Stevenios the First
50 Stevenios the First
51 Richard Great Virus
51 Richard Great Virus
52 Selene 1709 the Generous
52 Selene 1709 the Generous
53 Nanlynn
53 Nanlynn
54 Lord Phydeau
54 Lord Phydeau
55 Zanctified
55 Zanctified
56 sweetly
56 sweetly
57 Trajan the spider 423
57 Trajan the spider 423
58 King Elessar
58 King Elessar
59 Jadis Queen of Charn
59 Jadis Queen of Charn
60 yalls
60 yalls
61 WarriorSup6
61 WarriorSup6

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.