5893 rank

8,402,480 points

4,230 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Josiah the Holy    DB4L
Rugnir 5960 Josiah the Holy DB4L 9,767,598 4,500
Josiah the Holy    pffffttttt
Noarsil 6141 Josiah the Holy pffffttttt 9,269,431 4,502
Josiah the Holy    Last Kingdom
Walstrand 5893 Josiah the Holy Last Kingdom 8,402,480 4,230
Josiah the Holy    Hell_Sent_Me
Tuulech 6101 Josiah the Holy Hell_Sent_Me 8,341,092 3,829
Josiah the Holy    Horsemen
Fel Dranghyr 6900 Josiah the Holy Horsemen 7,946,763 2,985
Josiah the Holy    Team Nice
Uceria 6516 Josiah the Holy Team Nice 7,759,105 3,718