4665 rank

16,978,946 points

8,638 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Empress Mathilda    RAIDERS AND TRADERS
Vingrid 4900 Empress Mathilda RAIDERS AND TRADERS 17,675,613 8,950
Empress Mathilda    🌞 ☀️ Solaris ☀️ 🌞
Walstrand 4665 Empress Mathilda 🌞 ☀️ Solaris ☀️ 🌞 16,978,946 8,638
Empress Mathilda    Playing & Enjoying
Xyr 5183 Empress Mathilda Playing & Enjoying 16,107,007 8,533
Empress Mathilda    Eminent Domain
Sinerania 4995 Empress Mathilda Eminent Domain 15,855,954 8,317
Empress Mathilda    KHEDIVE
Noarsil 6043 Empress Mathilda KHEDIVE 9,877,048 7,237
Empress Mathilda    Majestic
Angkor 5352 Empress Mathilda Majestic 9,383,788 7,158
Empress Mathilda    Knights of the Realm
Arvahall 8395 Empress Mathilda Knights of the Realm 9,084,888 5,421
Empress Mathilda    Enigma Monument
Zorskog 5646 Empress Mathilda Enigma Monument 8,576,234 9,990