9482 rank

980,273 points

835 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eirene the Apathetic   
Zorskog 6665 Eirene the Apathetic 4,836,867 997
Eirene the Apathetic   
Vingrid 8394 Eirene the Apathetic 2,460,472 1,150
Eirene the Apathetic   
Cirgard 10321 Eirene the Apathetic 1,654,077 948
Eirene the Apathetic    ELPUMA
Brisgard 12464 Eirene the Apathetic ELPUMA 1,078,709 935
Eirene the Apathetic    Last Kingdom
Walstrand 9482 Eirene the Apathetic Last Kingdom 980,273 835