11715 rank

326,749 points

311 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tuulech 9564 Herrinton 1,046,876 679
Herrinton    2017 and be on
Dunarsund 12125 Herrinton 2017 and be on 844,981 706
Herrinton    bigsinner
Xyr 13550 Herrinton bigsinner 364,539 356
Walstrand 11715 Herrinton 326,749 311
Herrinton    Startroopers
Qunrir 13605 Herrinton Startroopers 166,430 141
Herrinton    FrequentlyInactive
Odhrorvar 13622 Herrinton FrequentlyInactive 153,814 178