14793 rank

78,911 points

257 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MJ the Gray   
Fel Dranghyr 3799 MJ the Gray 40,164,237 29,905
MJ the Gray   
Sinerania 4816 MJ the Gray 17,016,001 22,151
MJ the Gray   
Greifental 6126 MJ the Gray 11,427,924 17,425
MJ the Gray   
Brisgard 8337 MJ the Gray 6,537,377 8,139
MJ the Gray   
Dunarsund 8288 MJ the Gray 5,285,055 7,689
MJ the Gray   
Arvahall 16599 MJ the Gray 399,198 480
MJ the Gray    Toast to randomness
Zorskog 11667 MJ the Gray Toast to randomness 363,974 318
MJ the Gray   
Qunrir 12377 MJ the Gray 308,721 255
MJ the Gray    Knights of the Ages
Noarsil 12686 MJ the Gray Knights of the Ages 267,789 237
MJ the Gray    Republic of Texas
Vingrid 13115 MJ the Gray Republic of Texas 244,966 275
MJ the Gray   
Rugnir 13073 MJ the Gray 225,621 258
MJ the Gray   
Tuulech 12710 MJ the Gray 219,548 335
MJ the Gray   
Houndsmoor 16289 MJ the Gray 144,315 257
MJ the Gray   
East-Nagach 15773 MJ the Gray 143,106 268
MJ the Gray    Second City
Cirgard 16428 MJ the Gray Second City 139,983 451
MJ the Gray   
Langendorn 14325 MJ the Gray 133,695 250
MJ the Gray   
Mount Killmore 17468 MJ the Gray 121,261 265
MJ the Gray   
Jaims 15542 MJ the Gray 103,812 240
MJ the Gray   
Korch 15688 MJ the Gray 99,123 224
MJ the Gray   
Parkog 14700 MJ the Gray 97,643 235
MJ the Gray   
Uceria 14965 MJ the Gray 95,904 232
MJ the Gray   
Odhrorvar 14840 MJ the Gray 84,789 262
MJ the Gray   
Walstrand 14793 MJ the Gray 78,911 257
MJ the Gray   
Xyr 17609 MJ the Gray 75,249 228
MJ the Gray   
Yorkton 16104 MJ the Gray 75,217 247
MJ the Gray   
Angkor 15172 MJ the Gray 72,517 236
MJ the Gray   
Carthage 10839 MJ the Gray 66,921 199
MJ the Gray    Diamond Farmers
Birka 12374 MJ the Gray Diamond Farmers 63,453 243