8578 rank

1,591,514 points

5,953 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Baron the dog    Our Fight Song
Angkor 779 Baron the dog Our Fight Song 240,464,505 148,133
Baron the dog   
Houndsmoor 6749 Baron the dog 9,530,911 11,534
Baron the dog   
Walstrand 8578 Baron the dog 1,591,514 5,953
Baron the dog    zzzz
Zorskog 9605 Baron the dog zzzz 929,868 3,668
Baron the dog    Semper Fidelis
Tuulech 14646 Baron the dog Semper Fidelis 93,714 34
Baron the dog    Melekuring
Cirgard 19271 Baron the dog Melekuring 48,097 83