11652 rank

406,240 points

461 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theodorick of Yorick   
Noarsil 11681 Theodorick of Yorick 496,902 553
Theodorick of Yorick   
Angkor 11263 Theodorick of Yorick 432,939 358
Theodorick of Yorick    Athos
Vingrid 12236 Theodorick of Yorick Athos 419,717 446
Theodorick of Yorick    TrueLove
Walstrand 11652 Theodorick of Yorick TrueLove 406,240 461
Theodorick of Yorick    kingdom hearts
Yorkton 12848 Theodorick of Yorick kingdom hearts 312,716 334
Theodorick of Yorick    THE EDG3
Xyr 14664 Theodorick of Yorick THE EDG3 289,698 288
Theodorick of Yorick    knights of ages
Zorskog 12458 Theodorick of Yorick knights of ages 285,676 308