6610 rank

5,714,142 points

297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Abtwid    Guild of Time Lords
Yorkton 6023 Abtwid Guild of Time Lords 8,654,518 497
Abtwid    Elite warriors
Angkor 5908 Abtwid Elite warriors 7,040,672 487
Abtwid    Forge-
Houndsmoor 7595 Abtwid Forge- 6,929,624 457
Abtwid    Free Trade
Vingrid 6707 Abtwid Free Trade 6,746,477 439
Abtwid    Mako the brave
East-Nagach 7688 Abtwid Mako the brave 6,389,097 489
Abtwid    lords of magic
Walstrand 6610 Abtwid lords of magic 5,714,142 297