5238 rank

12,125,248 points

30,984 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hawkeye of the Hills    Yeti Attack
Walstrand 5238 Hawkeye of the Hills Yeti Attack 12,125,248 30,984
Hawkeye of the Hills    R65
Odhrorvar 6524 Hawkeye of the Hills R65 7,113,141 22,390
Hawkeye of the Hills   
Sinerania 6438 Hawkeye of the Hills 6,940,700 18,984
Hawkeye of the Hills    Simple_Rules
Mount Killmore 8064 Hawkeye of the Hills Simple_Rules 5,824,803 14,469
Hawkeye of the Hills    Real Life 1st
Angkor 6248 Hawkeye of the Hills Real Life 1st 5,607,459 17,128
Hawkeye of the Hills    Independent_Trader
Parkog 6875 Hawkeye of the Hills Independent_Trader 5,485,726 14,777
Hawkeye of the Hills    Truth Speach
Brisgard 9306 Hawkeye of the Hills Truth Speach 4,287,035 13,186
Hawkeye of the Hills    Always 5 0Clock Crew
East-Nagach 8668 Hawkeye of the Hills Always 5 0Clock Crew 3,818,896 17,306
Hawkeye of the Hills    Xyr⍉
Xyr 8227 Hawkeye of the Hills Xyr⍉ 3,778,522 12,472
Hawkeye of the Hills    TriStates
Houndsmoor 9019 Hawkeye of the Hills TriStates 3,375,479 10,382