5200 rank

12,300,006 points

4,282 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eurydice 1910 the Red   
Angkor 1695 Eurydice 1910 the Red 96,150,879 23,861
Eurydice 1910 the Red    Thunderclan
Walstrand 5200 Eurydice 1910 the Red Thunderclan 12,300,006 4,282
Eurydice 1910 the Red    Brothers in Arms
Rugnir 10673 Eurydice 1910 the Red Brothers in Arms 713,845 91
Eurydice 1910 the Red    TheChosenOnes3
Xyr 12721 Eurydice 1910 the Red TheChosenOnes3 496,665 91
Eurydice 1910 the Red   
Sinerania 11997 Eurydice 1910 the Red 347,809 70
Eurydice 1910 the Red   
Korch 13592 Eurydice 1910 the Red 248,688 180
Eurydice 1910 the Red    Vikings
Mount Killmore 15788 Eurydice 1910 the Red Vikings 224,613 92
Eurydice 1910 the Red    Hunter of Wolf
Odhrorvar 12911 Eurydice 1910 the Red Hunter of Wolf 216,749 90
Eurydice 1910 the Red    HELL'S GATE
Vingrid 13438 Eurydice 1910 the Red HELL'S GATE 207,892 77