15718 rank

73,743 points

198 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dave the Cool    Camelot
Tuulech 2384 Dave the Cool Camelot 64,633,257 19,150
Dave the Cool    Knights Uprising
Birka 1587 Dave the Cool Knights Uprising 39,333,481 18,185
Dave the Cool    Alliance By Victory
Uceria 5760 Dave the Cool Alliance By Victory 9,825,725 9,040
Dave the Cool    Guardians of Dilmun
Dilmun 3714 Dave the Cool Guardians of Dilmun 634,766 1,357
Dave the Cool    Simoney
Brisgard 14931 Dave the Cool Simoney 434,493 740
Dave the Cool    KHEDIVE
Walstrand 15718 Dave the Cool KHEDIVE 73,743 198