434 rank

536,326,095 points

147,061 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steve the Elder    DFG
Walstrand 434 Steve the Elder DFG 536,326,095 147,061
Steve the Elder    Emerald Moon
Zorskog 1342 Steve the Elder Emerald Moon 121,557,675 63,844
Steve the Elder    The Ruptured Duck
Yorkton 4202 Steve the Elder The Ruptured Duck 19,545,167 23,961
Steve the Elder    Dustkings
Xyr 6544 Steve the Elder Dustkings 7,974,696 9,875
Steve the Elder   
Qunrir 6758 Steve the Elder 6,323,257 7,653
Steve the Elder   
Fel Dranghyr 7388 Steve the Elder 5,844,674 6,710
Steve the Elder    Golgafrinchians
East-Nagach 17783 Steve the Elder Golgafrinchians 67,494 964