63 rank

2,180,069,705 points

570,908 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kyla the Linguist    Wyld Pixie Sanctuary
Walstrand 63 Kyla the Linguist Wyld Pixie Sanctuary 2,180,069,705 570,908
Kyla the Linguist    Guardians
Birka 525 Kyla the Linguist Guardians 256,407,724 180,896
Kyla the Linguist    Guilded Lilly
Arvahall 3587 Kyla the Linguist Guilded Lilly 71,103,961 132,284
Kyla the Linguist    ♠️ Aces ♠️
Uceria 2892 Kyla the Linguist ♠️ Aces ♠️ 60,209,765 121,117