148 rank

1,463,351,297 points

297,454 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Allie the Destroyer    ⚔WARCHEST⚔
Walstrand 148 Allie the Destroyer ⚔WARCHEST⚔ 1,463,351,297 297,454
Allie the Destroyer    PBR STREETGANG
Birka 243 Allie the Destroyer PBR STREETGANG 592,453,737 118,835
Allie the Destroyer    PBR Streetgang 🏴‍☠️
East-Nagach 762 Allie the Destroyer PBR Streetgang 🏴‍☠️ 490,787,371 112,534
Allie the Destroyer    Just2Play 🎲🎲
Dunarsund 4765 Allie the Destroyer Just2Play 🎲🎲 27,872,236 23,722
Allie the Destroyer    Comfortably Numb
Greifental 13670 Allie the Destroyer Comfortably Numb 248,184 389