1610 rank

124,354,558 points

38,319 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fishface the Brash    🐉DragonMount🐉
Dunarsund 745 Fishface the Brash 🐉DragonMount🐉 428,042,570 116,814
Fishface the Brash    Mais Raiders
Xyr 996 Fishface the Brash Mais Raiders 217,994,514 71,091
Fishface the Brash    ~ Ascension ~
Walstrand 1610 Fishface the Brash ~ Ascension ~ 124,354,558 38,319
Fishface the Brash    Followers of Christ
Odhrorvar 2183 Fishface the Brash Followers of Christ 92,896,115 32,765
Fishface the Brash   
Birka 1663 Fishface the Brash 46,082,350 17,247
Fishface the Brash    Uno
Greifental 6172 Fishface the Brash Uno 10,616,245 3,928