2163 rank

91,771,561 points

30,838 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Arvahall 2042 Argyrus 58 the Lion 180,638,561 43,436
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Mount Killmore 1834 Argyrus 58 the Lion 156,714,881 42,113
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Odhrorvar 1837 Argyrus 58 the Lion 141,233,433 34,251
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Parkog 1778 Argyrus 58 the Lion 133,908,148 38,025
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Jaims 2173 Argyrus 58 the Lion 109,728,900 26,766
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Dunarsund 2512 Argyrus 58 the Lion 105,798,288 29,715
Argyrus 58 the Lion   
Walstrand 2163 Argyrus 58 the Lion 91,771,561 30,838