12798 rank

194,783 points

16 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ablestmage    Kitty Crew
Uceria 9109 ablestmage Kitty Crew 1,642,350 38
ablestmage    Used-To-Play Idlers
Tuulech 11840 ablestmage Used-To-Play Idlers 329,101 131
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Langendorn 12786 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 276,010 142
ablestmage    The Roaring Kittens
Walstrand 12798 ablestmage The Roaring Kittens 194,783 16
ablestmage    Two-Job Slackers
Dunarsund 15881 ablestmage Two-Job Slackers 185,134 7
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Noarsil 13496 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 181,418 278
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Qunrir 13482 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 175,260 25
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Xyr 15574 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 166,619 141
ablestmage    Two-Job Rulers
Cirgard 16081 ablestmage Two-Job Rulers 157,736 41
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Mount Killmore 16814 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 153,022 12
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Vingrid 14159 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 148,740 11
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Korch 14953 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 136,037 27
ablestmage    Two-Job Slackers
East-Nagach 15859 ablestmage Two-Job Slackers 135,480 8
ablestmage    The Two-Jobbers
Brisgard 17952 ablestmage The Two-Jobbers 134,764 6
ablestmage    Johnny Two-Jobs
Houndsmoor 16582 ablestmage Johnny Two-Jobs 125,734 10