7815 rank

2,513,618 points

1,968 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gogulmon    The strugglers
Arvahall 7596 Gogulmon The strugglers 12,164,655 5,218
Gogulmon    Purple Ale
Fel Dranghyr 6032 Gogulmon Purple Ale 11,825,428 5,437
Gogulmon    Chavitos
Qunrir 5698 Gogulmon Chavitos 11,442,066 4,399
Xyr 7662 Gogulmon THINKS AND QUEENS 4,976,017 2,450
Gogulmon    The Brotherhood
Walstrand 7815 Gogulmon The Brotherhood 2,513,618 1,968
Gogulmon    Dumpster Chickens
Korch 10095 Gogulmon Dumpster Chickens 1,186,915 1,224
Gogulmon    Wallace of Yorkton
Yorkton 10274 Gogulmon Wallace of Yorkton 859,044 1,161
Gogulmon    The Rage Beneath
Houndsmoor 12206 Gogulmon The Rage Beneath 736,858 1,082
Gogulmon    crips of america
Parkog 10417 Gogulmon crips of america 711,811 914
Gogulmon    Deathkings
Birka 8041 Gogulmon Deathkings 571,731 830