17247 rank

30,217 points

87 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aristotle 2513 the Red   
Brisgard 17376 Aristotle 2513 the Red 174,608 358
Aristotle 2513 the Red    Island Living
Houndsmoor 18015 Aristotle 2513 the Red Island Living 73,200 289
Aristotle 2513 the Red    The Hawkeyes
Odhrorvar 15533 Aristotle 2513 the Red The Hawkeyes 67,804 299
Aristotle 2513 the Red    happy funtown
Zorskog 17468 Aristotle 2513 the Red happy funtown 31,746 72
Aristotle 2513 the Red    Lock down
Walstrand 17247 Aristotle 2513 the Red Lock down 30,217 87