13117 rank

165,073 points

181 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lord bad ape    The Right
Jaims 13264 lord bad ape The Right 287,273 229
lord bad ape    Heavenly Delusion
Uceria 12938 lord bad ape Heavenly Delusion 245,935 189
lord bad ape    ~THIN GREY LINE~
Walstrand 13117 lord bad ape ~THIN GREY LINE~ 165,073 181
lord bad ape    The cool cats
Carthage 9084 lord bad ape The cool cats 155,526 144
lord bad ape    The Lion Heart
Qunrir 14645 lord bad ape The Lion Heart 103,846 104
lord bad ape    Silent Petals
Dunarsund 20532 lord bad ape Silent Petals 28,239 69