2564 rank

65,277,085 points

19,204 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Darrell The Old    Vanguards
Walstrand 2564 Darrell The Old Vanguards 65,277,085 19,204
Darrell The Old    The Fellowship
Mount Killmore 14500 Darrell The Old The Fellowship 367,104 518
Darrell The Old    Let it be
Carthage 7884 Darrell The Old Let it be 274,546 359
Darrell The Old    Lord of the toads
Yorkton 13237 Darrell The Old Lord of the toads 244,476 537
Darrell The Old    Merciful
Sinerania 13080 Darrell The Old Merciful 213,548 398
Darrell The Old    Eagle Invaders
Noarsil 15109 Darrell The Old Eagle Invaders 84,162 138