7636 rank

2,872,266 points

813 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Yogrel    Bobcats
Qunrir 8061 Yogrel Bobcats 2,911,451 745
Yogrel    Legion of Swords
Walstrand 7636 Yogrel Legion of Swords 2,872,266 813
Yogrel    Safe Haven
Xyr 8766 Yogrel Safe Haven 2,834,886 812
Yogrel    HomeBodies
Vingrid 8133 Yogrel HomeBodies 2,812,375 833
Yogrel    Great Okoku
Uceria 8216 Yogrel Great Okoku 2,777,987 807
Yogrel    TheOne
Yorkton 8229 Yogrel TheOne 2,474,039 764