11877 rank

308,412 points

450 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Antiope 2301 the Valiant    Mynt Altos
Houndsmoor 14016 Antiope 2301 the Valiant Mynt Altos 351,456 571
Antiope 2301 the Valiant    Outlanders
Walstrand 11877 Antiope 2301 the Valiant Outlanders 308,412 450
Antiope 2301 the Valiant   
Xyr 14822 Antiope 2301 the Valiant 225,422 442
Antiope 2301 the Valiant    The Blues Brothers
Arvahall 18996 Antiope 2301 the Valiant The Blues Brothers 189,055 347