8154 rank

2,046,531 points

828 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Keehead    don't forget
Arvahall 11710 Keehead don't forget 2,217,512 835
Keehead    The BeeHive
Walstrand 8154 Keehead The BeeHive 2,046,531 828
Keehead    The Drunken Wookie
Angkor 8556 Keehead The Drunken Wookie 1,502,124 692
Keehead    Jacksmen
Sinerania 9237 Keehead Jacksmen 1,312,817 717
Keehead    dumb and dumber
Vingrid 9631 Keehead dumb and dumber 1,250,565 651
Keehead    The White Rose
Noarsil 9585 Keehead The White Rose 1,202,290 670
Keehead    Space Academy
Yorkton 9771 Keehead Space Academy 1,096,016 528
Keehead    Lothlorien
Mount Killmore 15479 Keehead Lothlorien 259,468 277