2257 rank

85,972,568 points

7,817 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Scotland
Walstrand 2257 Lord. Hughe Mongus Scotland 85,972,568 7,817
Lord. Hughe Mongus   
Odhrorvar 12289 Lord. Hughe Mongus 293,510 247
Lord. Hughe Mongus    republic rules
East-Nagach 16467 Lord. Hughe Mongus republic rules 105,157 170
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Echoes of War
Vingrid 15920 Lord. Hughe Mongus Echoes of War 69,595 110
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Macedonia
Mount Killmore 19391 Lord. Hughe Mongus Macedonia 60,374 112
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Riders of Rohan
Angkor 16283 Lord. Hughe Mongus Riders of Rohan 46,147 101
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Guildmakers Guild
Noarsil 16759 Lord. Hughe Mongus Guildmakers Guild 40,443 94
Lord. Hughe Mongus    Irish Clann
Rugnir 17363 Lord. Hughe Mongus Irish Clann 33,408 67
Lord. Hughe Mongus   
Xyr 20423 Lord. Hughe Mongus 25,537 58
Lord. Hughe Mongus    bedlam
Zorskog 17763 Lord. Hughe Mongus bedlam 25,286 64