2340 rank

77,879,879 points

3,973 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Talon the Goodsman   
Parkog 1658 Talon the Goodsman 142,223,810 5,667
Talon the Goodsman   
Korch 2537 Talon the Goodsman 87,658,064 3,620
Talon the Goodsman   
Mount Killmore 2646 Talon the Goodsman 85,174,511 4,472
Talon the Goodsman    They killed Kenny
Birka 1269 Talon the Goodsman They killed Kenny 81,536,633 5,233
Talon the Goodsman   
Walstrand 2340 Talon the Goodsman 77,879,879 3,973
Talon the Goodsman   
Rugnir 3008 Talon the Goodsman 55,405,973 2,754