16984 rank

32,635 points

27 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stormy the Turbulent   
Arvahall 21684 Stormy the Turbulent 77,970 43
Stormy the Turbulent   
Houndsmoor 18565 Stormy the Turbulent 57,873 46
Stormy the Turbulent    Misguided Minds
Korch 17516 Stormy the Turbulent Misguided Minds 48,746 42
Stormy the Turbulent   
Parkog 16603 Stormy the Turbulent 44,830 21
Stormy the Turbulent   
Fel Dranghyr 18425 Stormy the Turbulent 41,186 42
Stormy the Turbulent   
Mount Killmore 21046 Stormy the Turbulent 35,017 26
Stormy the Turbulent    Dragon fodder
Walstrand 16984 Stormy the Turbulent Dragon fodder 32,635 27
Stormy the Turbulent    Silence is Golden
Vingrid 18582 Stormy the Turbulent Silence is Golden 23,374 32