12820 rank

494,677 points

845 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pelph the Giant   
Odhrorvar 1249 Pelph the Giant 243,312,667 50,333
Pelph the Giant   
Uceria 4153 Pelph the Giant 28,049,175 21,853
Pelph the Giant   
Walstrand 6899 Pelph the Giant 4,773,158 4,313
Pelph the Giant   
Angkor 8465 Pelph the Giant 1,615,703 6,119
Pelph the Giant   
Cirgard 12474 Pelph the Giant 666,611 1,258
Pelph the Giant   
Noarsil 11273 Pelph the Giant 521,374 1,033
Pelph the Giant   
Xyr 12820 Pelph the Giant 494,677 845
Pelph the Giant   
Zorskog 11271 Pelph the Giant 443,481 690
Pelph the Giant   
Birka 8806 Pelph the Giant 407,252 1,019
Pelph the Giant   
Yorkton 12031 Pelph the Giant 401,705 856