1293 rank

161,738,428 points

138,818 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edgardo the Meek    🍭LOLLIES 🍭
Xyr 1293 Edgardo the Meek 🍭LOLLIES 🍭 161,738,428 138,818
Edgardo the Meek    Fortis Veritas
Greifental 1850 Edgardo the Meek Fortis Veritas 134,287,079 123,982
Edgardo the Meek    Popeye's Club House
Rugnir 2014 Edgardo the Meek Popeye's Club House 102,931,841 91,351
Edgardo the Meek    The Family
Dunarsund 2868 Edgardo the Meek The Family 76,161,086 147,400