1327 rank

172,375,652 points

146,974 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edgardo the Meek    🍭LOLLIES 🍭
Xyr 1327 Edgardo the Meek 🍭LOLLIES 🍭 172,375,652 146,974
Edgardo the Meek    Fortis Veritas
Greifental 1868 Edgardo the Meek Fortis Veritas 142,258,143 128,438
Edgardo the Meek    Popeye's Club House
Rugnir 2029 Edgardo the Meek Popeye's Club House 109,992,605 94,731
Edgardo the Meek    The F-Sticks
Dunarsund 2769 Edgardo the Meek The F-Sticks 87,298,531 163,882