1728 rank

122,961,044 points

48,721 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Domitian 674 the Wise    Scarlet Justice
Arvahall 1049 Domitian 674 the Wise Scarlet Justice 409,239,399 98,858
Domitian 674 the Wise    Rogue Lords ☠️
Greifental 1579 Domitian 674 the Wise Rogue Lords ☠️ 185,732,417 59,612
Domitian 674 the Wise   
Xyr 1728 Domitian 674 the Wise 122,961,044 48,721
Domitian 674 the Wise   
East-Nagach 2583 Domitian 674 the Wise 95,720,150 39,664