12346 rank

568,739 points

1,570 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Meanolreesy    Cali- 4- nia
Noarsil 9032 Meanolreesy Cali- 4- nia 1,577,244 2,596
Meanolreesy    That Sinking Feeling
Xyr 12346 Meanolreesy That Sinking Feeling 568,739 1,570
Meanolreesy    Pancakes for supper
Houndsmoor 16508 Meanolreesy Pancakes for supper 129,566 896
Meanolreesy    No Gruel for You
Qunrir 14303 Meanolreesy No Gruel for You 120,577 787
Meanolreesy    Diamond farm guild
Dunarsund 19083 Meanolreesy Diamond farm guild 49,821 77