5038 rank

17,494,311 points

8,940 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Vingrid 962 Victoria 1382 the Sly 349,867,005 67,776
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Houndsmoor 4408 Victoria 1382 the Sly 32,064,425 12,688
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Xyr 5038 Victoria 1382 the Sly 17,494,311 8,940
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Mount Killmore 5819 Victoria 1382 the Sly 16,314,031 8,341
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Fel Dranghyr 5492 Victoria 1382 the Sly 15,726,469 7,498
Victoria 1382 the Sly    wreak havoc
Dunarsund 5954 Victoria 1382 the Sly wreak havoc 15,661,179 8,611
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Tuulech 5082 Victoria 1382 the Sly 14,943,236 7,989
Victoria 1382 the Sly    Alpha Omada
Sinerania 5110 Victoria 1382 the Sly Alpha Omada 14,893,353 7,736
Victoria 1382 the Sly   
Rugnir 5216 Victoria 1382 the Sly 14,665,898 7,427